Monday 22 July 2013

Building your healthy hair regime

The next step to attaining beautiful hair is building a healthy hair regime.

This regime ensures that your hair is constantly nourished and in top shape.
My personal hair regime is as follows (I will share photos and indepth tips as we go on):

1. Relax/ touch up hair: It is important that you find a product that properly relaxes you hair to avoid the temptation of an impulsive quick fix touch up.

2. Deep condition a week after: This ensures that residual relaxer is properly washed off and your hair gets the nourishment and strenght it needs after a tough chemical procedure like relaxing.

3. Give your hair a two weeks holiday after relaxing and deep conditioning: This is because your hair is at its weakest and its most brittle after relaxing; consequently braiding or fixing your hair will snap it and breed weak tips.

4. Protect your hair: Flaunt your hair but also ensure that you do protective weaves, wigs and braids to cover your hair from harsh atmospheric conditions

5. Conditioning and washing are a girls best friend: There is no such thing as too much conditioning so feel free to condition as much as you want.

6. Love your scalp: Oil your scalp with creams once a weak as dry scalp leads to dandruff.

Growing your hair takes dedication but I guarantee you that the rewards outweighs the effort. Lets go girls!!
Do share your hair regime, i would love to hear them.


  1. Nice one Helen, been battling with my hairline for like years now. I can say I'm trying in taking care of my hair but the front won't just fill up. Any regimen?

    1. Hi dear, Yes it is-100% and colored
      I found this lovely product- Profectiv Temple Defense Leave In Conditioner which helps fill up my front hairline. Its available in most shops and supermarket.
      Also give your front hairline a break. Tight Braids break your hairline.
      Weave Tip: Ask your weavon lady to make didi (matting) instead of weaving under your weaves. This helps a lot

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Lol... People shaaaaa

  4. Great Tips to add
    Helen I have a few tips to Add.
    Firstly, Hair grows on everyone's head. If this was not so, we would not need to "retouch" every few months or weeks.
    Studies show that hair grows on an average of half an inch every month.
    So the real deal is "Are you keeping the hair that grows on your head?"
    Secondly, drinking at least a minimum of two bottles of water every day is great if you want to achieve long hair and also great for your body.
    Exercise is also important, it encourages blood circulation which helps burn fat and stimulates hair growth on your scalp(YES OH!!!ANOTHER REASON TO DO SITUPS, RUN AND DO PUSH UPS OR SPORTS)
    Maintaining a healthy diet is also another key to long hair, especially eating foods such as carrots, beans, mackerel and cooking with soya bean oils. These foods are rich in protein, betacarotene and omega 3 acids which are hair growth foods.

    PHEWWWW!!! that was long, and HHJ

  5. Nice one helen,I still dont believe this is attainable for everyone,I think some people have it while others don't,anyway I stand to b corrected and am gona try too. B/w I no where this photo was taken,wink

  6. I have bald hair on one part of my head. I don't weave my hair because of it. Is there any treatment that I could use to make the bald hair grow? Pls..I'm waiting for ur reply!

    1. There are great ways around this that include;

      1. Diet- Fish Based food and foods rich in vitamins are great for your hair. You are what you eat.
      2. Manipulation- Give your hair a break, go on a period of no braids or weaves.... let your wig be your best friend.
      3. Use Profectiv Temple Defense Leave In Conditioner for the bald areas- it does wonders in filling out your hair.

      Weave Tip: Ask your weavon lady to make didi (matting) instead of weaving under your weaves

  7. my front hair is complete gone looking lyk an old woman,wat do I do n where do I get the stuffs. thanx

    1. Hi dear,
      The products are available in most supermarkets however if you have any troubles finding them i will be willing to help you get them and send to you.
      Mail your shopping list to

  8. Am In Portharcourt,just help me out with the names of the treatment. Thanks.

    1. Sure... send an email to and I will give you all the details
