Friday 12 July 2013

Managing hair setbacks

I have had an interesting and some what checkered hair story. I had my hair in a low tomboy cut and ventured into my first hair plaiting venture in Senior Secondary school.

I had two major hair mishaps that had me cut my hair to a punk twice in 6 years (i will share these experiences as we progress).

Setbacks can be painful and emotional. Here are useful tips for managing them.

1. Remain calm: Our feminine reaction is to get angry and irrational. First step is to calm down.

2. Evaluate the damage: How bad is the damage? What do you need to do to remedy it? How long is the expected recovery period? How does this change your hair regime?

4. Have a clear cut plan and find logical answers to problems: Do you need to patch your hair for the next few weeks? If yes get a wig.
Do you have to cut your hair? If yes what do you need to do to tide through your "punk period".
The trick is keep the end in mind and look at the big picture.

3. Do not be afraid to make the change: Change is difficult however we need to "man up" and make changes.
Keep your emotions at bay and do what's best for your hair.

This takes me to my next question- what's your worst salon experience? Do share.

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